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The North Elm Cemetery Association encourages submissions of content related website links.
We are seeking individual, family, civic organizations, and businesses interested in making donations to the Association. Annual budgetary needs continue to increase each year. We attempt to raise money through various fund raisers to help maintain the cemetery and continue to seek new revenue sources.
Donations in memory of loved ones, or in the honor of a family member are lasting ways to remember these individuals. Some companies have matching donation policies for their employees, please check with your Human Resources Department for their policy to match any donation or contribution you as a member make each year. Should you know of a possible donor, or require additional information from the Association concerning matching gifts, please contact:
North Elm Cemetery Association
P. O. Box 14
Cameron, TX 76520
North Elm Cemetery Deed 1
(Transcribed as written)
Volume 13, Page 271, Deed of Records, Milam County Texas
B. I. Arnold The State of Texas
To Deed North Elm Baptist Church County of MilamThat I B. I. Arnold of the County of Milam and State aforesaid in consideration of the sum of Fifteen (15) Dollars to me paid by B. C. Barrett, T. M. Carr and James Bivens Trustees of North Elm Baptist Church and the further consideration of the respect love and affection which I have for the Christian Religion in general and for said North Elm Baptist Church in particular have Granted Sold and Conveyed and by these presents do Grant Sell and Convey unto the said Trustees B. C. Barrett, T. M. Carr, James Bivens and their successors of the County of Milam and State of Texas all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Milam County Texas on the waters of North Elm Creek being Six acres off a tract of 181 acres of a survey of Eleven Leagues of land surveyed in the name of Jose Ade Pena bounded and described as follows namely Adjoining the Swenson Land and Beginning S.19 W.75 [1] vasas from the N.W. corner of Lot No. 2 in the Swenson division. Thence S.19 W.300 varas to a stake from which an Elm Tree [2] vrs. S.57 E.5 varas. Thence N.71 W.113 varas to a stake from which an Elm Tree marked AX@ vrs. S.26 W.23 4/5 vrs.
Thence N.19 E.300 varas to a stake from which a Mesquite Tree brs S.1 E.4 3/10 varas. Thence S.71 E.113 varas to the place of beginning containing as aforesaid Six (6) acres of land and being same land upon which the grave yard (Cemetery) belonging to and adjoining the ground of said North Elm Baptist church is now located the object of this conveyance being to vest the title to said 6 acres of land in said church corperation for the use and benefit of said church for a Cemetery and church grounds forever.
To Have and To Hold the above described premises together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances belonging unto the said Trustees and their successors and assigns, forever. And I do hereby bind myself my heirs executors and administrators to Warrant and Forever Defend all and said singular the said premises unto the said Trustees & their successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by through or under me.
Witness my hand at Cameron Texas This 5th day of December A.D. 1883.
B. I. Arnold
The State of TexasCounty of MilamBefore me W. D. Paden County Clerk in and for Milam County Texas on this day personally appeared B. I. Arnold known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed.
Given under my hand and Seal of Office this 5th day of December A.D. 1883.
W. D. Paden, C. C. MC TexasFiled for record May 31st 1884 at 4 O=clock P.M.
W. D. Paden, County Clerk
[1] varas, term of measurement; one vara equals 33 1/3 inch.
North Elm Cemetery Deed 2
(Transcribed as written.)
Know all men by those present that we W. J. Valentine and Catherine Valentine wife of said W. J. Valentine of the County of Milam in the State of Texas for and inconsideration of Twenty eight dollars to us paid by B. C. Barrett, T. M. Carr and James Bevins, Trustees of North Elm Baptist Church of the County of Milam in the State of Texas have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by those present do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said B. C. Barrett, T. M. Carr and James Bevins as Trustees and their successors in Office all that certain tract or parcel of land indicated in Milam County State of Texas, and bounded and described as follows Unit out of Francisco Antonio Delos Rios League Survey and known as lot No 2 in the S. M. Swenson division Beginning S.19 vrs [1] . from the NW corner of said lot. Thence S.19 W across to a stake from which an Elm Tree bears S.57 E [2] varas. Thence S.71 E.113 varas to a stake from which a Post Oak bears S.52 E.10 varas. Thence N.19 E.150 vrs. to a stake from which an Elm bears N31.30 E.19 vrs. Thence S.71 E.37 1/2 varas to a stake from which a Post Oak bears S.17 E.25 1/2 varas. Thence N.19 E.150 varas to stake from which an Elm bears N.48 E. 34 1/2 varas. Thence N.71 W.150 varas to the place of beginning and containing Seven (7) acres of land. Together with all and singular the rights members, hereditments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining to have and to hold all and singular the premises aforementioned unto the said B. C. Barrett, James Bevins and T. M. Carr, Trustees of North Elm Missionary Baptist Church and their successors forever, and we the said W. J. Valentine and C. E. Valentine, do hereby find our heirs executors, administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the title to the said premises unto the said B. C. Barrett, James Bevins and T M. Carr as Trustees of said church and their successors in office against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any past thereof.
Witness our hands this 5th day of Nov. 1886.
W. J. Valentine
C. E. ValentineBefore me B. C. Barrett, J. P. And Ex Officio Notary Public in and for said county on this day personally appeared W. J. Valentine and Catherine Valentine his wife. Known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed. And the said Catherine E. Valentine having been examined by me privately and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her. She, the said Catherine Valentine, acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and that she did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand and seal of Office this the 5th day of November A.D. 1886.
B. C. Barrett
J. P. Ex Officio
Notary Public MC Tx
[1] vrs., an abbreviation of varas; term of measurement, one vara equals 33 1/3 inch.
On September 22, 1871, minutes from a Little River Baptist Association Meeting, note the approval of a petition for membership from the North Elm Church, a newly organized church.
According to local history, the church was organized by Moses Wright Price with Loucenda Goodnight Fuller given acknowledgment of joining the church as one of its first members. She was the daughter of Elijah Goodnight brother to Charles Goodnight, famous Texas cattleman. The date is unknown as to when the church was originally built. It’s thought the congregation met in various locations until a church structure was built.
During the early years, country churches shared pastors and the church met only one or two Sundays each month. The church was organized for a second time after being destroyed by fire in 1881. It had one room, the outside painted white and did not have a bell as did many early country churches.
In April of 1941, the last pastor of the North Elm Baptist Church, Pastor Johnny Cole, resigned and the church became inactive. There was an auction held and Mrs. Houston purchased the church. She sold the lumber to her brother, Wright Price and he built his home with it.